



简 介


贺腊梅,博士,重庆人,2138cn太阳集团古天乐副研究员(专职科研)、硕士生导师。研究领域一直集中在旅游可持续发展方面,包括生态旅游、旅游业能源核算、旅游绿色增长等,曾在英国伯恩茅斯大学进行联合培养博士项目期间跟随外导开展绿色旅游研究,对国内外旅游可持续发展的相关理论与研究方法动态熟悉,迄今已在 Current Issues in TourismJournal of Sustainable TourismTourism Management Perspective、《旅游科学》等 SSCI/CSSCI 期刊发表学术论文10余篇,具有坚实的学术研究基础,也是多个期刊的匿名审稿人。


2009-2013 四川大学 旅游管理学士

2013-2019 四川大学 旅游管理博士 硕博连读

2018-2019 四川大学-伯恩茅斯大学 旅游酒店系 联合培养博士生






Introduction to Hospitality》、《Hospitality Operating System》、《Research Methods and Paradigms in Tourism》、《Visitor Attractions Management




1. He, L., Zha, J., & Loo, H. A. (2020). How to improve tourism energy efficiency to achieve sustainable tourism: Evidence from China. Current Issues in Tourism, 23(1), 1-16.

2. He, L., & Filimonau, V. (2020). The effect of national culture on pro-environmental behavioural intentions of tourists in the UK and China. Tourism Management Perspectives, 35, 1-16.

3. Zha, J., Yuan, W., Dai, J., Tan, T., & He, L*. (2020). Eco-efficiency, eco-productivity and tourism growth in China: a non-convex metafrontier DEA-based decomposition model. Journal of Sustainable Tourism, 28(5), 663-685.

4. Zha, J., Fan, R., Yao, Y., He, L. *, & Meng, Y. (2021). Framework for accounting for tourism carbon emissions in China: An industrial linkage perspective. Tourism Economics, 27(7), 1430-1460.

5. Zha, J., Tan, T., Ma, S., He, L. *, & Filimonau, V. (2022). Exploring tourist opinion expression on COVID-19 and policy response to the pandemic’s occurrence through a content analysis of an online petition platform. Current Issues in Tourism, 25(2), 261-286

6. Zha, J., He, L.*, Liu, Y., & Shao, Y. (2019). Evaluation on development efficiency of low-carbon tourism economy: A case study of Hubei Province, China. Socio-Economic Planning Sciences, 66, 47-57.

7. 贺腊梅, 李志勇, & 查建平. (2016). 区域旅游业 CO_2 排放的驱动因素分解模型及实证分析——基于 2007~ 2011 年湖北省 17 个州市面板数据的证据. 旅游科学, 30(2), 24-38.

8. 贺腊梅, 于萌, & 查建平. (2017). 基于 BML 生产率指数的中国旅游业能源效率评价与影响因素研究. 长江流域资源与环境, 26(12), 1991-2002.

Dr. HE, Lamei

Education Background

B.A. (Tourism Management), Sichuan University, CHINA

Ph.D. (Tourism Management), Sichuan University, CHINA

2018-2019 A joint Ph.D. student in Bournemouth University, UK

Research Fields

Sustainable tourism, tourism economics, tourism energy consumption

Available Subjects

Introduction to Hospitality; Hospitality and Tourism Operating System